Planning, Zoning, and Land Use
Hamilton County
Board of County Commissioners
Jasper, Florida
Hamilton County Land Use, Planning, and Zoning
204 NE First Street
Jasper, FL 32052
Ph. 386-792-1060
Fax: 386-792-0504
Open Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Our Mission Statement:
The Hamilton County Land Use Office mission is to provide for planned and orderly growth while improving the quality of life for County residents. Our office will provide fair and equitable administration and enforcement of the County’s Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Development Regulations as approved by the Board of County Commissioners. These services will be provided in a courteous, respectful, and expedient manner for citizens and property owners of Hamilton County.
Land Use Services
The Land Use department is responsible for providing the following services: implementing zoning and code enforcement, providing county planning and zoning technical assistance to the county. The Land Use department is also responsible for zoning and flood zone information, zoning map information, construction engineering information and coordinating the agenda for the Planning & Zoning Board.
About Us
The Hamilton County Planning and Zoning board is a 5-member advisory board appointed by the Board of County Commissioners to oversee and make recommendations regarding zoning issues, special exceptions, variances, land use changes, text amendments, comprehensive plan amendments, and plat reviews. The board members serve for staggered terms of 3 years, all as more particularity provided in section 3.1 of the Hamilton County Land Development Regulations.
The Current Planning and Zoning members are:
Chairman: A. L. Miller
Vice Chairman: Eddie Wynn
Riley Anderson
Jim Tompkins
Harrell Tyree
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the different types of zoning?
The types of zoning that can be found in Hamilton County are Conservation District (CSV), Environmentally Sensitive Areas District (ESA), Agricultural District (A), Rural Residential District (RR), Residential Single Family Districts (RSF), Residential or (Mixed) Single Family/Mobile Home Districts (RSF/MH), Residential, Mobile Home District (RMH), Residential, Mobile Home Park (RMH-P), Residential Multiple Family (RMF), Commercial, Neighborhood (CN), Commercial, General (CG), Commercial, Intensive (CI), Commercial Highway Interchange (CHI), Industrial, Light and Warehousing (ILW), Industrial (I), Planned Residential Development (PRD), Planned Rural Residential Development (PRRD), Natural Resource Processing (NRP), and Rural Development (RD).
Where can I find more information out about the types of zoning and what is permitted in each type?
To find out more about the types of zone and what is permitted in each type, see The Land Development Regulations or contact John Auer, Building Official at 386.792.0507.
1153 US Hwy 41 NW, Suite 4
Jasper, FL 32052
(866) 341.2492 (386) 792-6828 Fax - 386.792.0559